05/08/13 2:00pm

Goat milk facial moisturizer

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Are you visiting mom this weekend and panicking to find a gift for Mother’s Day? Did you forget your wife is also the mother of your children? (Don’t worry, we forgot, too.) Damage control; weigh your options. You’ve given her tons of flowers before and it reeks of desperation. If you really want to underwhelm her, you could spend $5.95 on a last-minute card from the Target at Atlantic Center. Maybe this year you should take advantage of this wonderful borough you live in and get her something handmade in Brooklyn. But what and where?

Check out Celine Legros’s handmade canels at her Zaarly storefront. A former lawyer, Celine began organizing cooking classes outside of her day job. Eventually she decided to leave law to pursue baking full-time. Now she sells delicious custard pastries available in small and large quantities and even delivers right to your door.

15 assorted miniature pastries by Celine

15 assorted miniature pastries by Celine

Originating in the Bordeaux region of France, Canels are formed in a mold and caramelized on the outside and soft on the inside. Celine makes them with unique flavors: rose blossom water, pink praline, chestnut, coffee, dark chocolate, pistachio, salted caramel, and cinnamon. At only 25 calories apiece, your wife or mom won’t feel guilty for having more than one.

If mom’s not the caramelized custard type, then consider giving her a beauty product from Glory Boon. Proprietor Alexandra began by making hand-crafted soaps and moisturizers for herself and family members. As demand grew, she moved to full-time and now she sells a large variety of paraben-, phthalate-, sulfate-, and cruelty-free products through her Zaarly storefront.

Mom would love the vegan body lotion, which comes in grapefruit and lavender scents, and revitalizes the skin with natural aloe vera. Or perhaps the pink rose clay facial mask. A favorite among her customers, it naturally draws oils and dirt to the surface of the skin while also exfoliating. And after that she can apply goat milk face moisturizer, which improves collagen density, acts as an anti-inflammatory, diminishes small skin abrasions.

Pink rose clay facial mask from Glory Boon

Pink rose clay facial mask from Glory Boon

And like Celine, Alexandra will deliver to Manhattan and Brooklyn, so you don’t have to make another stop before heading home to see mom!

For more local Brooklyn and NYC gift ideas your mom or wife will love, check out the many storefronts on Zaarly.