Meters Added to Washington (and Front) St

In a move towards gentrification (i.e. redevelopment for commerce, new businesses, and housing), meters are being installed on the West side of Washington Street and Front Street between Main and Adams Streets in Dumbo.

10 Comment

  • Hooray! All those cars that never get tickets finally shall!

  • Hooray! All those cars that never get tickets finally shall!

  • At least the fine for Expired Meter is $35, rather than the $65 tickets they were issuing for parking more than 2 hours. I thought about asking DOT why we weren't getting Muni-meters, since 7th Ave in the Slope got them, but then again with meters you get to inherit someone else's unused minutes. On the other hand, there are more spaces available with Muni-meters installed, Aesthetically, which is worse, all those shoulder-level meters, or the eye-level muni-machines?

  • At least the fine for Expired Meter is $35, rather than the $65 tickets they were issuing for parking more than 2 hours. I thought about asking DOT why we weren't getting Muni-meters, since 7th Ave in the Slope got them, but then again with meters you get to inherit someone else's unused minutes. On the other hand, there are more spaces available with Muni-meters installed, Aesthetically, which is worse, all those shoulder-level meters, or the eye-level muni-machines?

  • NYC's largest parking spaces per car spot! UPS truck was parked in one the other day!

  • NYC's largest parking spaces per car spot! UPS truck was parked in one the other day!

  • NYC's largest parking spaces per car spot! UPS truck was parked in one the other day!

  • NYC's largest parking spaces per car spot! UPS truck was parked in one the other day!