Opening Reception: The Taqwacores

TONIGHT at Powerhouse Arena:
Kim Badawi: The Taqwacores
Opening Reception & Book Launch: Thursday, September 17, 7–9PM
Exhibition: September 10–October 25

Writer Michael Muhammad Knight coined the term “taqwacore” for his novel about a Muslim punk house in Buffalo, NY, which he initially distributed from the back of his car as a DIY, photocopied zine. Unbeknownst to Knight, a real Muslim punk scene was starting to emerge, based on the one he had imagined for the book. Photographer Kim Badawi’s powerHouse book and exhibition stand as a photographic companion to the original text and an indispensable document of the making of a movement. Opening features a live performance by The Kominas.

More info.

The powerHouse Arena
37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
For more information, please call (718) 666-3049