How You Can Help Stop Crime in Dumbo/Vinegar Hill

While we’re on the subject of criminal activity (from yesterday’s car break-in posting), we received a disturbing email about another mugging in Vinegar Hill on Sunday. While muggings may occur with some frequency in NYC, it is important that if something happens or if you witness anything that you call the police so it is reported and recorded. Our VH correspondent talked to the Precinct yesterday. They reported that:

If something happens, and it goes unreported, the victim can always call the police in the days following the incident and file a report after the fact. He could not stress enough how important it is that we all file reports, even when it seems like the crime can’t be solved, or nothing can be done. It’s so important from a bureaucratic point of view that all crimes are reported. He said that the neighborhoods that have crimes on the books are the ones who gets the officers, and we might be able to get extra help in a given area. Not without the stats and pressure from the residents.

We also called in to express our concerns with the safety of our community. The precinct is aware about DumboNYC and that people in Dumbo and VH are worried, but the most important thing you can do to help is to call them (718-875-6811) if you witness any crimes, break-ins, or have any concerns, to help your fellow neighbors.

After the jump, I’ve posted the long detailed email. In short, the panhandler, sometimes referred on this website as “Green Hat Guy” (who no longer wears a green hat) became uncharacteristically aggressive and mugged a (drunk) man who was lost on Front and Gold Street. A few 99 Gold and 206 Front Street building residents witnessed this crime. Again, please call the precinct if you witness any crimes.

Hi all,
So I am sure many of you may have heard the blood curdling screams on Sunday morning at 6am. Someone got mugged and fortunately was not hurt however there are some interesting details that I thought I should share.

Many of you may know the homeless guy who was injured in a bad car accident last year. In case you didn’t he is a black guy of average height, usually personable and always approaches you with a “Is there anything I can do to make a few dollars…” line. For the most part this guy is harmless, I have seen him from time to time and have helped him out sometimes in non-monetary ways. His story is actually quite unfortunate because he tries to get work but really can’t do much due to his accident. Never seemed to be on anything either.

However in the last couple of days he has been a little more angry and desperate looking. A week ago he followed me to the building and knocked on the door as I was walking in, trying to get some money. This was definitely a step out of character for him. Ana told me he was hanging out in front of the building one day and asked her for money as well, something which he has never done.

Ok so back to the incident, when I heard the screams, I ran out to the balcony and I thought I saw this same guy running or hobbling around the corner from Gold street, around the temple. I could hear people screaming and talking. I highly suspected it was this guy so I hurried down to check the scene out and confirm anything I could.

The guy that was attacked was very drunk, he thought he was in Greenpoint. He had come out of the train and been walking down front after obviously a very long night. This guy had approached him and started talking to him. Probably realizing that the guy had no idea where he was and was smashed, he saw an opportunity. Apparently (according to witnesses) he was thrown to the ground, at which point the screams came out, and the guy made off with his wallet. A neighbor on the other side of the street saw the guy being attacked and yelled out something like “I see you motherf****r! ” and this guy grabbed the wallet and ran. Or run as best he could. Another neighbor from 99 Gold saw the guy running around the corner with a wallet. And two others also saw various parts of this.

Ok so that part I understand what happened, what proceeded from that point is the most disturbing aspect.

The cops arrived, a little late I might add, when I got down there. I told the cops that I had seen the assailant go around the corner and that I knew who it was. The other neighbors also chimed in at this moment and we were able to confirm that it was who we thought. We then told the cops that we could identify and testify to what we saw.

It turns out the victim in all of this had decided he did not want to file a report and the cops were happy to accept this and then tried to brush off the neighbors by saying that this was a minor incident and so far all that had happened was the victim had been attacked, but no harm had befallen him and so it was only going to be a misdemeanor. Nothing they can really do, or not worth their while to pursue from a legal standpoint. Even more disturbing was their unwillingness to file a report from the witness standpoint. They kept saying that it would not hold up in court so there was no point.

We were basically like “WTF?????”

While it was true that the victim had not sustained any injuries, he was clearly in shock, drunk, and probably was just trying to get home as quick as he can. One neighbor from 99 Gold, a journalist for the NY Times it turns out, got into a long heated debate with the cops that filing a statement should least occur even if there was insufficient evidence. We also questioned what was so insufficient being that there were 5 witnesses. The cops then said, if the victim does not want to file a report, then it does not matter if there are witnesses or not. Again a dubious statement but at this point we turned to the victim and told him he needed to file a report. We asked him if we was attacked and whether anything was stolen, he had first said no, but on our second round of questioning I asked if he had his wallet. A search around his belongings revealed that he did not. We told the cops then that there was clearly a case for assault and robbery, which is definitely not a misdemeanor.

Then the cops were like, “Did you see him taking the wallet?”. To which we had to say no, because we did not actually witness the act it self. However we had someone that saw him being attacked, many that saw the attacker, someone that saw him running of with a wallet, and the fact that the victims wallet had been stolen during the attack. What more evidence do you need? Again the cops tried to argue that the victim had initially said that nothing had been stolen, and that this was a new ‘twist’ to the story.

It really seemed like they were accusing us of making something up in order to make waste their time. Even more disturbing was the way they then tried to scare the victim away from making a report about a robbery. This next part is incredulous.

The cops then took a form out, waived it in front of the victim and said, “this is a report to file a robbery, are you aware that if you say you were robbed that you fill in this form accurately? We will hold you accountable to everything you say on this form.” The manner in which he was saying this was rather intimidating and had the victim not had us around I can very easily see him agreeing not to fill in the form. We pretty much stood around until he filed the report, filed the robbery form, we got him some water, and then paid for a cab home for him.

From the cops standpoint I can see why this incident would have been a pain, trying to extract information from a highly intoxicated person. Talking to this guy was a problem as his breath reeked of booze, he kept repeating silly statements, and various other drunken behaviors where my personal reaction was just to make sure he was ok and then send him along on his way as fast as possible. The cops clearly could not extract information from him that could be held as ‘accurate’ in court, so I get that, but given the supporting body of evidence and witnesses I would have thought they would be more cooperative with us.

I remember Rey mentioning how the police warden kept saying that we need to file reports in order to bring more attention to crimes in our neighborhood, and here were these cops trying to discourage us from doing so. So in the end the report was filed so perhaps we can follow up on this in someway and David had a the great suggestion of looking at our video and seeing if we can spot the attacker and the victim walking together on the block and give that to the police.

And there you have it. Hope this helps people Let me know if there is some sort of action we want to take as a unit. Hope this helps!

152 Comment

  • Yikes. This is bad. I hope our police precinct steps up quickly, or we are going to have to rely more and more on our neighbors as police. This frontier mentality could easily lead to vigilantism.

    If the police aren’t going to do anything, then…

  • Yikes. This is bad. I hope our police precinct steps up quickly, or we are going to have to rely more and more on our neighbors as police. This frontier mentality could easily lead to vigilantism.

    If the police aren’t going to do anything, then…

  • hate to say i told ya so….really unfortunate and seems like it is getting worse and worse every week.

  • hate to say i told ya so….really unfortunate and seems like it is getting worse and worse every week.

  • time to start carrying around a taser…

  • time to start carrying around a taser…

  • I just want to ask everyone to try to focus on solutions here, rather than turning this into thread bashing the 84th. While I was am seriously concerned and disappointed by the report above and the alleged conduct of the officers, I do think there are a lot of great people at the 84th and they’re doing the best they can given their current resources. They know they’re understaffed. We as residents have to step up and help them get the resources they need.

    How can we get more officers in Dumbo and Vinegar Hill consistently, and not just on a temporary basis after a crime spike, especially as tourism surges in the neighborhood due to the Waterfalls, BBPark, and the newly marked BB Foot Path?

    I’d also love to see the board of each building have a direct contact for the board or tenants association for all their fellow neighboring buildings so we can pass information, and perhaps some petitions, through Dumbo and Vinegar Hill quickly.

    Five buildings took occupancy in our small neighborhoods in the last year alone. That’s an influx of several thousand new residents into our small vicinity. And it’s not just that we need more officers here to protect all the new people. We also need more officers here to police the new people, as well as ward off the increased crimes always go hand in hand with gentrification.

  • I just want to ask everyone to try to focus on solutions here, rather than turning this into thread bashing the 84th. While I was am seriously concerned and disappointed by the report above and the alleged conduct of the officers, I do think there are a lot of great people at the 84th and they’re doing the best they can given their current resources. They know they’re understaffed. We as residents have to step up and help them get the resources they need.

    How can we get more officers in Dumbo and Vinegar Hill consistently, and not just on a temporary basis after a crime spike, especially as tourism surges in the neighborhood due to the Waterfalls, BBPark, and the newly marked BB Foot Path?

    I’d also love to see the board of each building have a direct contact for the board or tenants association for all their fellow neighboring buildings so we can pass information, and perhaps some petitions, through Dumbo and Vinegar Hill quickly.

    Five buildings took occupancy in our small neighborhoods in the last year alone. That’s an influx of several thousand new residents into our small vicinity. And it’s not just that we need more officers here to protect all the new people. We also need more officers here to police the new people, as well as ward off the increased crimes always go hand in hand with gentrification.

  • If you ever see this start to happen, request that the police to call a sergeant. If they decline, _politely_ thank them for their time and make a note of their names, badge numbers, and car numbers. Then, later, report them to the precinct captain.

  • If you ever see this start to happen, request that the police to call a sergeant. If they decline, _politely_ thank them for their time and make a note of their names, badge numbers, and car numbers. Then, later, report them to the precinct captain.

  • Excellent points Tracy. It inevitably takes time for resources to catch up with growth like ours. We should absolutely do as much as possible to support the 84th as they cope with greater responsibility and demand.

    On a side note – I witnessed the heavyset, male, p&p drug dealer make a deal to a young, hipster, asian man with an earing on Monday afternoon around 5pm. They walked along Front St, towards the Manhattan Bridge, and “Smokey” made the handoff of a small baggy to the young man. The young man looked at it, then placed it in his back pocket. Smokey put the cash in his front pocket, then crossed the street to talk to some people next to La Bagel Delight.

    I then approached an officer in Front St Pizza, and described what I just saw. The officer asked, “how do you know it was drugs?” Then implied that I was buying drugs too. (“So how do you know what drugs look like?, etc.) Officer seemed amused with me, like I was crazy, and clearly had no intention of pursuing or investigating whatsoever.

  • Excellent points Tracy. It inevitably takes time for resources to catch up with growth like ours. We should absolutely do as much as possible to support the 84th as they cope with greater responsibility and demand.

    On a side note – I witnessed the heavyset, male, p&p drug dealer make a deal to a young, hipster, asian man with an earing on Monday afternoon around 5pm. They walked along Front St, towards the Manhattan Bridge, and “Smokey” made the handoff of a small baggy to the young man. The young man looked at it, then placed it in his back pocket. Smokey put the cash in his front pocket, then crossed the street to talk to some people next to La Bagel Delight.

    I then approached an officer in Front St Pizza, and described what I just saw. The officer asked, “how do you know it was drugs?” Then implied that I was buying drugs too. (“So how do you know what drugs look like?, etc.) Officer seemed amused with me, like I was crazy, and clearly had no intention of pursuing or investigating whatsoever.

  • To all of you liberal, artsy, Brooklyn-hip assbags that make friends with these bums/crackheads, this is exactly what the rest of us have been talking about. You cannot trust these maniac animals, and they will inevitably turn violent/aggressive when the opportunity presents itself in order to acquire more crack, booze, etcetera. I hate to say I told you so — no wait, I love saying that. Get off your hipster cool-horses and be realistic. Stop living in this dreamworld where the bums are awesome (“oh, there goes cracky again! i totally love him! ‘hey cracky, you’re awesome!'” Go back to the midwest, morons.

  • To all of you liberal, artsy, Brooklyn-hip assbags that make friends with these bums/crackheads, this is exactly what the rest of us have been talking about. You cannot trust these maniac animals, and they will inevitably turn violent/aggressive when the opportunity presents itself in order to acquire more crack, booze, etcetera. I hate to say I told you so — no wait, I love saying that. Get off your hipster cool-horses and be realistic. Stop living in this dreamworld where the bums are awesome (“oh, there goes cracky again! i totally love him! ‘hey cracky, you’re awesome!'” Go back to the midwest, morons.

  • For the love of god. These threads always go the same way – discussion of an incident, pleas for police involvement, then derision.

    Dear those who think there is a significant safety issue:

    Pool your money to hire a private security patrol. If you’re not going to do this then stop crying every time something happens.

  • For the love of god. These threads always go the same way – discussion of an incident, pleas for police involvement, then derision.

    Dear those who think there is a significant safety issue:

    Pool your money to hire a private security patrol. If you’re not going to do this then stop crying every time something happens.

  • On a lighter note: The catchy tune M.I.A. “Paper Planes” and it’s video has some DUMBO shots. The song is about drug dealers on a street corner, between the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges. Coincidence?

    “No one on the corner has swagger like us… we pack and deliver like UPS Trucks.”

    Talk about swagger, this HAS to be the P&P drug-dealing duo’s anthem! Great song, though

  • On a lighter note: The catchy tune M.I.A. “Paper Planes” and it’s video has some DUMBO shots. The song is about drug dealers on a street corner, between the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges. Coincidence?

    “No one on the corner has swagger like us… we pack and deliver like UPS Trucks.”

    Talk about swagger, this HAS to be the P&P drug-dealing duo’s anthem! Great song, though

  • You are not alone, Dumbo.
    Precisely yesterday I was unloading my car at 7.00 pm infront of my house on the brooklyn heights promenade – close to DUMBO/VH, when a 6ft tall male in a red t-shirt approached me and told me he was homeless and if I could buy him something to eat, blah, blah. Regardless of what went through my head after commuting 45 miles each way to/from work and there having a perfectly healthy, physically fit man asking me to buy him dinner, I politely told him I that was sorry but that I was busy. The bum then got aggressive and begun insulting me, reminding me of my ex-wife. Since I will not let myself be intimidated by nobody outside my own house, only inside, I yelled back at the guy, using florid language, and told him I was going to call the police. To which he got defiant and even more aggressive, again, just as my ex-wife, but when I got in my car and grabbed the phone he finally started walking to the promenade to I presume, see the sunset over the falls. I then left to go find a parking spot, which is when things really started to suck. Seriously, this is the third time in the last few months that a homeless person has approached me aggressively in the neighborhood, the last one wanted me to buy him a drink because it was “too hot”. In my 10 years livig in BH I had not experienced this and I find this is very confusing, since I’m usually the one begging to buy someone drinks/dinner.

  • You are not alone, Dumbo.
    Precisely yesterday I was unloading my car at 7.00 pm infront of my house on the brooklyn heights promenade – close to DUMBO/VH, when a 6ft tall male in a red t-shirt approached me and told me he was homeless and if I could buy him something to eat, blah, blah. Regardless of what went through my head after commuting 45 miles each way to/from work and there having a perfectly healthy, physically fit man asking me to buy him dinner, I politely told him I that was sorry but that I was busy. The bum then got aggressive and begun insulting me, reminding me of my ex-wife. Since I will not let myself be intimidated by nobody outside my own house, only inside, I yelled back at the guy, using florid language, and told him I was going to call the police. To which he got defiant and even more aggressive, again, just as my ex-wife, but when I got in my car and grabbed the phone he finally started walking to the promenade to I presume, see the sunset over the falls. I then left to go find a parking spot, which is when things really started to suck. Seriously, this is the third time in the last few months that a homeless person has approached me aggressively in the neighborhood, the last one wanted me to buy him a drink because it was “too hot”. In my 10 years livig in BH I had not experienced this and I find this is very confusing, since I’m usually the one begging to buy someone drinks/dinner.

  • I think I saw one of Boymelgreen’s henchmen smashing up cars. It might be a smart business move since everyone will flock to the limited private parking in the neighborhood. BTW I was planning to rent mine at $290 a month, but after Boymelgreen’s new parking plans I think I will raise it to a reasonable $700.

    Word to your mother.

  • I think I saw one of Boymelgreen’s henchmen smashing up cars. It might be a smart business move since everyone will flock to the limited private parking in the neighborhood. BTW I was planning to rent mine at $290 a month, but after Boymelgreen’s new parking plans I think I will raise it to a reasonable $700.

    Word to your mother.

  • BrooklynLove- at the last couple of community meetings/ crime prevention seminars (which were overwhelmed w/ complaints of the aggressive and sometimes violent panhandlers), several residents brought up the idea of a private security force. The police were adamantly against it. For no real good reason. Things like, “civilians shouldn’t put themselves in danger” and, “the police are responsible and trained to protect people”. Well, Hello!, the police aren’t capable of protecting us here- due to understaffing or just plain unwillingness to attend to crimes they know are a recurring problem in Dumbo. There are other neighborhoods I know of, the Financial District in Manhattan, for example- which have there own security or patrolling force. They can’t make arrests, obviously, but are always driving around at all hours. Very effective.

  • BrooklynLove- at the last couple of community meetings/ crime prevention seminars (which were overwhelmed w/ complaints of the aggressive and sometimes violent panhandlers), several residents brought up the idea of a private security force. The police were adamantly against it. For no real good reason. Things like, “civilians shouldn’t put themselves in danger” and, “the police are responsible and trained to protect people”. Well, Hello!, the police aren’t capable of protecting us here- due to understaffing or just plain unwillingness to attend to crimes they know are a recurring problem in Dumbo. There are other neighborhoods I know of, the Financial District in Manhattan, for example- which have there own security or patrolling force. They can’t make arrests, obviously, but are always driving around at all hours. Very effective.

  • Green Hat Guy goes by the name Black. While he might seem harmless (though he always appears pretty menacing to me) he is never thinking of anything other than how can he can get money from any given person or take advantage of them. Its that black and white. Its shitty I agree but I dont think its presumptuous to declare this. Do you honestly believe he’s looking for work and cant find it because he was in a car accident? He has been in the nabe for the 3+ years I have and hasn’t changed a bit. He’s had multiple injuries including a head bandage, a broken arm, an infected spider bite (yes he pitched me this one) and now a hurt leg. These aren’t from car accidents.

  • Green Hat Guy goes by the name Black. While he might seem harmless (though he always appears pretty menacing to me) he is never thinking of anything other than how can he can get money from any given person or take advantage of them. Its that black and white. Its shitty I agree but I dont think its presumptuous to declare this. Do you honestly believe he’s looking for work and cant find it because he was in a car accident? He has been in the nabe for the 3+ years I have and hasn’t changed a bit. He’s had multiple injuries including a head bandage, a broken arm, an infected spider bite (yes he pitched me this one) and now a hurt leg. These aren’t from car accidents.

  • This is very unfortunate and I wanted to share a similiar story with everyone. This involved me leaving the York St. station at about 5pm. To make a long story short a black male, skinny about 5’8 wearing glasses and walks with a limp accused me of bumping into him and breaking his glasses. Truth be told it was a scam where he purposely bumped into me and dropped his already broken glasses on the floor and accused me of doing it. When he confronted me outside the station I told him I didn’t break his glasses and I told him to leave me alone. As I walked away he followed me to my building the whole way grabbing me and pushing me telling me I should pay him for his glasses. My walk turned into a sprint to the building and I called the cops. The cops came I told them what happened and they found the guy still lurking at the train station. As I watched the police collar the right guy I telephone 911 again to alert them that they had the right man and I wanted to press charges. Then to my shock the cops let the guy go after questioning him! Then came back to my building to find me. Proceeded to tell me that I shouldn’t have called 911 again and told me they aren’t going to file this incident because he is going to say that I wasn’t at the scene when the perp was being questioned. He explained to me that I didn’t know how things worked and spoke to me in a way that accused me of breaking the perps glasses! Then he basically told me not to worry because he’s familiar with that perp and that he is harmless. Well try explaining that to me when the guy was pushing and grabbing me from behind! I think this is a matter of people not wanting to file paperwork but how do we get fair representation if the people on the frontlines that are supposed to be enforcing the laws don’t really care?!?! Needless to say I was extremely dissapointed that my incident was not reported that night. And it seems to me these crimes will increase if no punishment is handed to people who commit misdemeanors or quality of life infractions.

  • This is very unfortunate and I wanted to share a similiar story with everyone. This involved me leaving the York St. station at about 5pm. To make a long story short a black male, skinny about 5’8 wearing glasses and walks with a limp accused me of bumping into him and breaking his glasses. Truth be told it was a scam where he purposely bumped into me and dropped his already broken glasses on the floor and accused me of doing it. When he confronted me outside the station I told him I didn’t break his glasses and I told him to leave me alone. As I walked away he followed me to my building the whole way grabbing me and pushing me telling me I should pay him for his glasses. My walk turned into a sprint to the building and I called the cops. The cops came I told them what happened and they found the guy still lurking at the train station. As I watched the police collar the right guy I telephone 911 again to alert them that they had the right man and I wanted to press charges. Then to my shock the cops let the guy go after questioning him! Then came back to my building to find me. Proceeded to tell me that I shouldn’t have called 911 again and told me they aren’t going to file this incident because he is going to say that I wasn’t at the scene when the perp was being questioned. He explained to me that I didn’t know how things worked and spoke to me in a way that accused me of breaking the perps glasses! Then he basically told me not to worry because he’s familiar with that perp and that he is harmless. Well try explaining that to me when the guy was pushing and grabbing me from behind! I think this is a matter of people not wanting to file paperwork but how do we get fair representation if the people on the frontlines that are supposed to be enforcing the laws don’t really care?!?! Needless to say I was extremely dissapointed that my incident was not reported that night. And it seems to me these crimes will increase if no punishment is handed to people who commit misdemeanors or quality of life infractions.

  • I think green hat guys new scam is stealing other people’s dogs then returning it to them for a reward. I witnessed this hanging outside Pedro’s.

  • I think green hat guys new scam is stealing other people’s dogs then returning it to them for a reward. I witnessed this hanging outside Pedro’s.

  • A private block patrol service worked splendidly back in the 80s when there were serious crime problems where i lived. It’ll work just as well now. The patrol’s omnipresence alone is a major deterent to crime. The police are not going to be a persistent presence – they only show up when there is a problem and then go away once a problem has dissipated, which actually makes the problem worse in the long run. you should view the police as a reactionary resource, not a preventive resource b/c frankly that’s how the police operate – especially in low crime areas – and dumbo/VH is a very low crime area relative to other parts of bk and nyc.

  • A private block patrol service worked splendidly back in the 80s when there were serious crime problems where i lived. It’ll work just as well now. The patrol’s omnipresence alone is a major deterent to crime. The police are not going to be a persistent presence – they only show up when there is a problem and then go away once a problem has dissipated, which actually makes the problem worse in the long run. you should view the police as a reactionary resource, not a preventive resource b/c frankly that’s how the police operate – especially in low crime areas – and dumbo/VH is a very low crime area relative to other parts of bk and nyc.

  • that is why the 84th has the “2nd lowest crime rate in the city” because nothing is ever reporting!!!

    People are so naive it pains me..

  • that is why the 84th has the “2nd lowest crime rate in the city” because nothing is ever reporting!!!

    People are so naive it pains me..

  • The guy who allegedly committed the assault / robbery on Sunday is back in the area doing his thing. He has a noticeable gap between his front teeth, and some scarring on one of his forearms (that was in a cast last summer and was repaired with pins). I’ve seen him around lately wearing a black striped polo shirt, and he generally wanders up and down Front Street all day stopping everyone to ask for money.

    I’ve also seen this guy approach people at night, he tends to wait where he’s not super visible, then he comes out just as someone walks by. Always seems to surprise and scare the passerby, and they usually give him some money as they start backing away.

    Maybe a private security force is the answer, Brooklynlove. But even if we retain one, it’s still no replacement for the obvious lack of police coverage in our neighborhoods, especially given the influx of new residents and tourists.

  • The guy who allegedly committed the assault / robbery on Sunday is back in the area doing his thing. He has a noticeable gap between his front teeth, and some scarring on one of his forearms (that was in a cast last summer and was repaired with pins). I’ve seen him around lately wearing a black striped polo shirt, and he generally wanders up and down Front Street all day stopping everyone to ask for money.

    I’ve also seen this guy approach people at night, he tends to wait where he’s not super visible, then he comes out just as someone walks by. Always seems to surprise and scare the passerby, and they usually give him some money as they start backing away.

    Maybe a private security force is the answer, Brooklynlove. But even if we retain one, it’s still no replacement for the obvious lack of police coverage in our neighborhoods, especially given the influx of new residents and tourists.

  • What if those of us w/ balconies volunteered to host surveillance cameras? Mine faces front street, and I’d be happy to have a camera pointing down front street from it, if some group would pay to have it and a data recording machine installed.

  • What if those of us w/ balconies volunteered to host surveillance cameras? Mine faces front street, and I’d be happy to have a camera pointing down front street from it, if some group would pay to have it and a data recording machine installed.

  • We could all pitch in and hire GreenHat to patrol the blocks.

  • We could all pitch in and hire GreenHat to patrol the blocks.

  • My husband once picked up a pizza crust that we saw Smokey drop on the sidewalk even though he was only about 15 feet from a garbage can. Panhandling and drug dealing are one thing, but littering is completely unacceptable. Seriously. (He could have at least given the crust to Cracky. She could really use the carbs.)

  • My husband once picked up a pizza crust that we saw Smokey drop on the sidewalk even though he was only about 15 feet from a garbage can. Panhandling and drug dealing are one thing, but littering is completely unacceptable. Seriously. (He could have at least given the crust to Cracky. She could really use the carbs.)

  • Let me just say this. I agree that it is important to emphasize the need to always report crime, no matter how innocuous it may seem. I can, however, sympathasize with the NYPD in some regard as much of the talk on this forum centers on alarmists’ views of petty crime in the neighborhood. Everyone must understand that civil service employees (cops included) are inherently lazy. Rookie cops start out earning just over 35k from the City of New York. This may mean that police officers feel more compelled in their autonomy to distinguish real crime from “crime that will always inherently exist” in the urban setting. Think about it, 35k a year is nothing. Compound that with risk of life and limb (cops take a lot of abuse), an understaffed force and this is the result. If this was you, you would probably feel the same way. The other point is that underneath it all, the cops in the 84th deal with a lot of B.S. from irritating yuppies. Most cops are native New Yorkers. You are outsiders. As a side note, I have had a lot of interaction with POs (as I work in a large trauma center in brooklyn) Seeming apathetic in their response is just a passive-aggressive technique cops use to convey the message: “grow some balls, you live in brooklyn. Stop nagging us with the inane” I am completely for defending the neighborhood you live in and your “deserved” way of life, but you have to understand where the police are coming from. Its a delicate balance of making their quotas, appeasing people like yourselves and doing the least amount of work possible in the meantime.

  • Let me just say this. I agree that it is important to emphasize the need to always report crime, no matter how innocuous it may seem. I can, however, sympathasize with the NYPD in some regard as much of the talk on this forum centers on alarmists’ views of petty crime in the neighborhood. Everyone must understand that civil service employees (cops included) are inherently lazy. Rookie cops start out earning just over 35k from the City of New York. This may mean that police officers feel more compelled in their autonomy to distinguish real crime from “crime that will always inherently exist” in the urban setting. Think about it, 35k a year is nothing. Compound that with risk of life and limb (cops take a lot of abuse), an understaffed force and this is the result. If this was you, you would probably feel the same way. The other point is that underneath it all, the cops in the 84th deal with a lot of B.S. from irritating yuppies. Most cops are native New Yorkers. You are outsiders. As a side note, I have had a lot of interaction with POs (as I work in a large trauma center in brooklyn) Seeming apathetic in their response is just a passive-aggressive technique cops use to convey the message: “grow some balls, you live in brooklyn. Stop nagging us with the inane” I am completely for defending the neighborhood you live in and your “deserved” way of life, but you have to understand where the police are coming from. Its a delicate balance of making their quotas, appeasing people like yourselves and doing the least amount of work possible in the meantime.

  • anony, you bring up a bigger problem that most of these people don’t realize exists. I too deal with city employees–building inspectors, fireman, forensic engineers all from the outer reaches of brooklyn and queens. Among other things I’ve been involved in two building vacates one in Manhattan and one in BK. Both were ugly and heavey handed. Afterwards I had to sit with DOB people while they started their shitstorm of paper work for the owner. They could of cared less about the displaced (I’ll use their words) f*gs, h*m*s, qu**rs. They had nothing but contempt for these out of towners discovering Brooklyn and basically pushing them and their families to the edges.

  • anony, you bring up a bigger problem that most of these people don’t realize exists. I too deal with city employees–building inspectors, fireman, forensic engineers all from the outer reaches of brooklyn and queens. Among other things I’ve been involved in two building vacates one in Manhattan and one in BK. Both were ugly and heavey handed. Afterwards I had to sit with DOB people while they started their shitstorm of paper work for the owner. They could of cared less about the displaced (I’ll use their words) f*gs, h*m*s, qu**rs. They had nothing but contempt for these out of towners discovering Brooklyn and basically pushing them and their families to the edges.

  • Don’t trash cops. Don’t write that they’re lazy or ignorant or full of contempt. It’s very small of you, and so smugly black and white. There are bad apples and jerks in every profession — being criminally underpaid is not a pre-requisite for being lazy. The 84th is full of a lot of good people who are working hard and putting themselves at considerable risk in the course of a day’s work. We need them, and they need us to step up, keep an eye on the neighborhood, and pick up the phone. It’s totally fair if the police are not aware of every single thing that’s going down. It’s not 100% up to them to make our neighborhood safe, especially if we’re not telling them what’s going on.

    To those of you who are doing something to raise awareness and make our neighborhood safer, THANK YOU. To those of you who have come to the aid of someone who is getting jumped, harassed, having their window smashed or whatever, THANK YOU. You guys are heroes.

    Calling Sunday’s assault/robbery, the volume of car break-ins, or aggressive panhandling from broken, drug ruined people who would hit you over the head for a few dollars… “inane” worries coming from people who are crying out against their so-called “deserved” way of life, is shockingly pathetic. Shame on you.

    Those of you who see something and do nothing are hurting the neighborhood. Those of you who turn these threads into petty, embarrassing sh*tstorms are hurting the neighborhood. Those of you who give money to the local panhandlers (especially those of you who bring them into your children’s lives) are so cluelessly and carelessly hurting the neighborhood. At this point, anyone chatting with or handing cash over to old Skeletor and Numbnuts in front of Peas & Pickles, should be given a one-way ticket back to wherever it is they came from.

    “Crackey and Smokey” are not your friends. You are not cool for talking to them, giving them money, or odd jobs to do around the neighborhood. You are simply giving them a brilliant cover for their #1 purpose for being here: dealing. They are here 7 days a week selling drugs, and they have a pretty healthy customer base of local residents and office dwellers. Do you seriously think that their end of day cash rolls are built by your good will and accompanying small change?

    To those who shop at Crackey & Smokey’s store, stop kidding yourselves, you’ve been noticed. To those who just don’t get it, please wake up.

  • Don’t trash cops. Don’t write that they’re lazy or ignorant or full of contempt. It’s very small of you, and so smugly black and white. There are bad apples and jerks in every profession — being criminally underpaid is not a pre-requisite for being lazy. The 84th is full of a lot of good people who are working hard and putting themselves at considerable risk in the course of a day’s work. We need them, and they need us to step up, keep an eye on the neighborhood, and pick up the phone. It’s totally fair if the police are not aware of every single thing that’s going down. It’s not 100% up to them to make our neighborhood safe, especially if we’re not telling them what’s going on.

    To those of you who are doing something to raise awareness and make our neighborhood safer, THANK YOU. To those of you who have come to the aid of someone who is getting jumped, harassed, having their window smashed or whatever, THANK YOU. You guys are heroes.

    Calling Sunday’s assault/robbery, the volume of car break-ins, or aggressive panhandling from broken, drug ruined people who would hit you over the head for a few dollars… “inane” worries coming from people who are crying out against their so-called “deserved” way of life, is shockingly pathetic. Shame on you.

    Those of you who see something and do nothing are hurting the neighborhood. Those of you who turn these threads into petty, embarrassing sh*tstorms are hurting the neighborhood. Those of you who give money to the local panhandlers (especially those of you who bring them into your children’s lives) are so cluelessly and carelessly hurting the neighborhood. At this point, anyone chatting with or handing cash over to old Skeletor and Numbnuts in front of Peas & Pickles, should be given a one-way ticket back to wherever it is they came from.

    “Crackey and Smokey” are not your friends. You are not cool for talking to them, giving them money, or odd jobs to do around the neighborhood. You are simply giving them a brilliant cover for their #1 purpose for being here: dealing. They are here 7 days a week selling drugs, and they have a pretty healthy customer base of local residents and office dwellers. Do you seriously think that their end of day cash rolls are built by your good will and accompanying small change?

    To those who shop at Crackey & Smokey’s store, stop kidding yourselves, you’ve been noticed. To those who just don’t get it, please wake up.

  • In response:

    As I’ve mentioned, due to my occupation, I have witnessed a lot of bad things that happen to people. Worrying about a few broken car windows, a mugging or aggressive pahandling IS “shockingly pathetic” and pales in comparison to gunshot wounds, stabbings, comatose bludgeonings and slashings that happen EVERY DAY in this borough whether you know it or not. Very little is repoted on the news or on various NYPD/neighborhood blotters. And when it comes to these cases, the police ARE responsive and proactive.

    I am not trashing cops. We need them. Enough said. I do not condone any degree of criminal activity. I advocate neighborhood vigilance. My point is that everyone should have a partial appreciation of where your average police officer is coming from in NYC. Overworked, underapaid and at risk. So much sh*t goes down every day that selective case pursuit is a very real (and sometimes frustrating reality). For cops out on the street, it’s a matter of priority and, like the rest of us – survival.
    I’m out.

  • In response:

    As I’ve mentioned, due to my occupation, I have witnessed a lot of bad things that happen to people. Worrying about a few broken car windows, a mugging or aggressive pahandling IS “shockingly pathetic” and pales in comparison to gunshot wounds, stabbings, comatose bludgeonings and slashings that happen EVERY DAY in this borough whether you know it or not. Very little is repoted on the news or on various NYPD/neighborhood blotters. And when it comes to these cases, the police ARE responsive and proactive.

    I am not trashing cops. We need them. Enough said. I do not condone any degree of criminal activity. I advocate neighborhood vigilance. My point is that everyone should have a partial appreciation of where your average police officer is coming from in NYC. Overworked, underapaid and at risk. So much sh*t goes down every day that selective case pursuit is a very real (and sometimes frustrating reality). For cops out on the street, it’s a matter of priority and, like the rest of us – survival.
    I’m out.

  • I don’t think anyone here on this blog disputes that cops are “overworked, underpaid and at risk” and I think people are cognizant of the fact that higher felony crimes should get more attention than “shockingly pathetic” misdemeanors. But to put all things in perspective the 84th has some of the cleanest and safest records on felonies in the borough. While it may be due to preventative measures I also think it could be that there are less felonies to begin with. With that said some devotion to misdemeanor crimes in the area would be appreciated if due diligence allows especially if the pressure of felonious crimes are not abundant.

  • I don’t think anyone here on this blog disputes that cops are “overworked, underpaid and at risk” and I think people are cognizant of the fact that higher felony crimes should get more attention than “shockingly pathetic” misdemeanors. But to put all things in perspective the 84th has some of the cleanest and safest records on felonies in the borough. While it may be due to preventative measures I also think it could be that there are less felonies to begin with. With that said some devotion to misdemeanor crimes in the area would be appreciated if due diligence allows especially if the pressure of felonious crimes are not abundant.

  • Local muggings or and aggressive pahandling are NOT “shockingly pathetic” nor are they things to be taken lightly, especially when several recent muggings have been cases of armed robbery/assault, a felony offense. And at least one previously “merely” aggressive panhandlers slipped a little bit further and committed assault and robbery on Sunday.

    If we keep letting more and more crimes go down in Dumbo and Vinegar Hill without a fight, we are probably leaving ourselves vulnerable for more crime along with the possibility of an increase in the severity of the individual attacks. The 84th has our back, but we need to have theirs in return and fight for the addition of more officers and more overall resources for their department.

  • Local muggings or and aggressive pahandling are NOT “shockingly pathetic” nor are they things to be taken lightly, especially when several recent muggings have been cases of armed robbery/assault, a felony offense. And at least one previously “merely” aggressive panhandlers slipped a little bit further and committed assault and robbery on Sunday.

    If we keep letting more and more crimes go down in Dumbo and Vinegar Hill without a fight, we are probably leaving ourselves vulnerable for more crime along with the possibility of an increase in the severity of the individual attacks. The 84th has our back, but we need to have theirs in return and fight for the addition of more officers and more overall resources for their department.

  • I couldn’t agree more with dime bag. The crimes around here have gotten more violent in the past couple of months. It used to be just annoying panhandlers. But now we are seeing more crimes that are assault and battery, larceny, burglary, muggings and robberies. These crimes are definitely more cause for concern. As a community we should provide as much support and information to the 84th as possible.

  • I couldn’t agree more with dime bag. The crimes around here have gotten more violent in the past couple of months. It used to be just annoying panhandlers. But now we are seeing more crimes that are assault and battery, larceny, burglary, muggings and robberies. These crimes are definitely more cause for concern. As a community we should provide as much support and information to the 84th as possible.

  • A group of teenagers with a pit bull have been walking up and down Front Street every night this week between 9:30 and 12pm. They zig zag across the street between cars, shout and each other, curse, fight? play fight? and they like to use their dog to taunt people. They’ll joke about sending him over to “impregnate” or hurt other dogs who are out being walked by Dumbo and Vinegar Hill residents.

    Also be on the lookout for a group of two or three teenage boys. They have been committing armed robbery in the neighborhood. A second group of two (who reside at Farragut) were arrested earlier this week for the same activities. If you see something suspicious, steer clear and call 911.

    If 911 won’t take your call about the kids (some operators will, some won’t), try 311. Your complaint will reach the 84th, and you’ll be helping us all to create a paper trail documenting some of the recent problems.

  • A group of teenagers with a pit bull have been walking up and down Front Street every night this week between 9:30 and 12pm. They zig zag across the street between cars, shout and each other, curse, fight? play fight? and they like to use their dog to taunt people. They’ll joke about sending him over to “impregnate” or hurt other dogs who are out being walked by Dumbo and Vinegar Hill residents.

    Also be on the lookout for a group of two or three teenage boys. They have been committing armed robbery in the neighborhood. A second group of two (who reside at Farragut) were arrested earlier this week for the same activities. If you see something suspicious, steer clear and call 911.

    If 911 won’t take your call about the kids (some operators will, some won’t), try 311. Your complaint will reach the 84th, and you’ll be helping us all to create a paper trail documenting some of the recent problems.

  • Anyone know what happened at Farragut? There was like a hundred cop cars there with the police lights on.

  • Anyone know what happened at Farragut? There was like a hundred cop cars there with the police lights on.

  • Hello, folks. I’m about to move to Vinegar Hill and am a bit concerned about the stuff I’ve been reading on here regarding the recent crime spurt. How bad is it really? If any women are reading this–do you feel safe walking down the street alone after dark? I was always under the impression that Dumbo was a safe neighborhood, despite the presence of projects (which are a nearby presence pretty much anywhere in nyc).

    So if anyone could put it in perspective for me, I’d be very grateful. Thanks in advance.

  • Hello, folks. I’m about to move to Vinegar Hill and am a bit concerned about the stuff I’ve been reading on here regarding the recent crime spurt. How bad is it really? If any women are reading this–do you feel safe walking down the street alone after dark? I was always under the impression that Dumbo was a safe neighborhood, despite the presence of projects (which are a nearby presence pretty much anywhere in nyc).

    So if anyone could put it in perspective for me, I’d be very grateful. Thanks in advance.

  • What we’ve experienced recently is mainly hooligan teens / homeless people vandalizing and burglarizing cars late at night. My wife has never complained (and menacing thugs are not something she’d keep to herself, believe me!). She rides the F to/from work. Avoid walking around alone late at night, and keep your wits about you, as you would anywhere.

  • What we’ve experienced recently is mainly hooligan teens / homeless people vandalizing and burglarizing cars late at night. My wife has never complained (and menacing thugs are not something she’d keep to herself, believe me!). She rides the F to/from work. Avoid walking around alone late at night, and keep your wits about you, as you would anywhere.

  • hi newkid,

    i’m, a woman, an artist who’s lived and worked in dumbo for 16 years. yes, there are still incidents (like there are anywhere in brooklyn) but this neighborhood is the safest i’ve ever seen it, despite all the chicken little chatter on this site. i walk around at night and it’s fine – really. keep an eye open and be smart – like you would anywhere in brooklyn – and you’ll be fine – welcome to the neighborhood!

  • hi newkid,

    i’m, a woman, an artist who’s lived and worked in dumbo for 16 years. yes, there are still incidents (like there are anywhere in brooklyn) but this neighborhood is the safest i’ve ever seen it, despite all the chicken little chatter on this site. i walk around at night and it’s fine – really. keep an eye open and be smart – like you would anywhere in brooklyn – and you’ll be fine – welcome to the neighborhood!

  • welcome newkid…

    I just moved into the neighborhood, too (it’s been about 2 months now) and I haven’t had any problems… I am a single woman often walking alone at night… I mean, clearly, I stick the more populated routes when it’s late, but still, I have never been made to feel unsafe or threatened anywhere. I agree with the advice above, keep your eyes open and your wits about you (like you would anywhere else) and you’ll be fine!

  • welcome newkid…

    I just moved into the neighborhood, too (it’s been about 2 months now) and I haven’t had any problems… I am a single woman often walking alone at night… I mean, clearly, I stick the more populated routes when it’s late, but still, I have never been made to feel unsafe or threatened anywhere. I agree with the advice above, keep your eyes open and your wits about you (like you would anywhere else) and you’ll be fine!

  • Newbie – A hearty welcome, and one word of advice: DO NOT start giving money to Smokey and Cracky in front of Peas and Pickles, they aren’t homeless, and their drug dealing business makes more in a week than your artwork will in a decade.

  • Newbie – A hearty welcome, and one word of advice: DO NOT start giving money to Smokey and Cracky in front of Peas and Pickles, they aren’t homeless, and their drug dealing business makes more in a week than your artwork will in a decade.

  • newkid — I’m a woman, in my twenties, and do not feel unsafe at all. I’ve been living in dumbo for a little over a year now and have not had a problem. I park my car (a very nice car at that) on the street everyday without incident. I work on wall street so I walk to the A/C High st station on weekdays or walk the brooklyn bridge; on weekends I typically ride the F… sometimes very late (i.e. after 10pm). I moved to dumbo from the city and feel no less safe here than I did there. I’m a new yorker… street smarts is the name of the game… being paranoid is not. Despite what I read on these boards, it doesn’t make me feel any less safe here. It just shows me that I have very concerned and proactive neighbors, which is why I love it here. Welcome to the neighborhood, you’ll be just fine.

  • newkid — I’m a woman, in my twenties, and do not feel unsafe at all. I’ve been living in dumbo for a little over a year now and have not had a problem. I park my car (a very nice car at that) on the street everyday without incident. I work on wall street so I walk to the A/C High st station on weekdays or walk the brooklyn bridge; on weekends I typically ride the F… sometimes very late (i.e. after 10pm). I moved to dumbo from the city and feel no less safe here than I did there. I’m a new yorker… street smarts is the name of the game… being paranoid is not. Despite what I read on these boards, it doesn’t make me feel any less safe here. It just shows me that I have very concerned and proactive neighbors, which is why I love it here. Welcome to the neighborhood, you’ll be just fine.

  • Did anyone hear anything about the triple shooting on the corner of Gold and Sands last night (seen on the Gothamist newsmap). I can’t find anything.

  • Did anyone hear anything about the triple shooting on the corner of Gold and Sands last night (seen on the Gothamist newsmap). I can’t find anything.

  • The shooting happened within the projects. Unfortunately that’s standard fare for all NYC project complexes, nothing really unique about this for farragut…

  • The shooting happened within the projects. Unfortunately that’s standard fare for all NYC project complexes, nothing really unique about this for farragut…

  • DOT,

    In a different thread you recently mentioned a plan in the works to shift Farragut over to housing for low- to middle-income residents, which could help stabilize crime over there significantly. I’m sorry to even say that, it’s so cold, but sadly it seems to be true. Are you willing, or at liberty, to elaborate? If so, do you have any information or ideas about the timeline?

    Thank you.

  • DOT,

    In a different thread you recently mentioned a plan in the works to shift Farragut over to housing for low- to middle-income residents, which could help stabilize crime over there significantly. I’m sorry to even say that, it’s so cold, but sadly it seems to be true. Are you willing, or at liberty, to elaborate? If so, do you have any information or ideas about the timeline?

    Thank you.

  • newkid,

    Stay away, the neighborhood is going to crap. With all the newbies moving in, it ain’t like the crime ridden neighborhood of yesteryear, it’s even more profitable.

    Another individual like yourself would be welcome site to the folks who are already lurking and looking to roll a newbie like yourself.

    Oh and please bring your 2 small dogs, the neighborhood is filled with them. And don’t forget, disregard the law and leave their droppings where ever they fall. You’ll fit in with all the new, very concerned neighborly folks who have time to write on this blog page, rather than take the time to clean up their pooches doo-doo.

  • newkid,

    Stay away, the neighborhood is going to crap. With all the newbies moving in, it ain’t like the crime ridden neighborhood of yesteryear, it’s even more profitable.

    Another individual like yourself would be welcome site to the folks who are already lurking and looking to roll a newbie like yourself.

    Oh and please bring your 2 small dogs, the neighborhood is filled with them. And don’t forget, disregard the law and leave their droppings where ever they fall. You’ll fit in with all the new, very concerned neighborly folks who have time to write on this blog page, rather than take the time to clean up their pooches doo-doo.



  • Whoa, guess Crackey just found this url.

  • Whoa, guess Crackey just found this url.

  • someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today

  • someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today

  • I have to ask- STFU, why do you bother reading these comments if you are so sick of them? Perhaps you need to get a life.

  • I have to ask- STFU, why do you bother reading these comments if you are so sick of them? Perhaps you need to get a life.

  • STFU curious as to what else annoys you.

  • STFU curious as to what else annoys you.

  • Vinhiller, You’re that wipe that lives over on Hudson with all those clippings in the window, right? You need to take your little French easel and put it where the sun don’t shine.

  • Vinhiller, You’re that wipe that lives over on Hudson with all those clippings in the window, right? You need to take your little French easel and put it where the sun don’t shine.

  • Newkid- Don’t worry. I am a petite 30-something woman with a kid and a dog so I am out and about a lot and I never feel any more unsafe than in all the other areas of NYC I’ve lived in. Because this is a small neighborhood with lots of families people are very concerned and proactive about safety which I think is pretty great. I love this ‘hood and I think it is great that we are such a small community that we can have a dialogue like this. I do live in Dumbo though and I know parts of VH are a little quieter which can be a little less safe. Just keep your head up and be smart like you would anywhere in the city!

  • Newkid- Don’t worry. I am a petite 30-something woman with a kid and a dog so I am out and about a lot and I never feel any more unsafe than in all the other areas of NYC I’ve lived in. Because this is a small neighborhood with lots of families people are very concerned and proactive about safety which I think is pretty great. I love this ‘hood and I think it is great that we are such a small community that we can have a dialogue like this. I do live in Dumbo though and I know parts of VH are a little quieter which can be a little less safe. Just keep your head up and be smart like you would anywhere in the city!

  • Pingback: Dumbo NYC, Brooklyn » Archive » 84 Precinct Council Crime Stats, Week of Aug 11, 2008 (

  • Pingback: Dumbo NYC, Brooklyn » Archive » 84 Precinct Council Crime Stats, Week of Aug 11, 2008 (

  • Hey Anon, bite me!

  • Hey Anon, bite me!

  • I heard Cracky + Smokey were arrested/ticketed? recently, is this true? They are still out there glaring as of 15 minutes ago.

    I am formally boycotting Peas and Pickles until those thugs are removed like the warts that they are.

  • I heard Cracky + Smokey were arrested/ticketed? recently, is this true? They are still out there glaring as of 15 minutes ago.

    I am formally boycotting Peas and Pickles until those thugs are removed like the warts that they are.

  • Vinhiller. Props to you my man (or woman). That’s right Newkid, welcome to another Brooklyn neighborhood that is going down. This place has become ripe for the picking. In case you haven’t heard there ARE projects all around got Farragut, University Towers and Raymond Ingersoll. But they are not the problem. They have existed WAAAY before us and you – when DUMBO was still known as Fulton Landing back in the day. And they will CONTINUE to exist when this is all over. For all you that think living in the ‘hood’ is cool…listen – Brooklyn is Brooklyn and will always BE Brooklyn. The problem is YOU. All of you gentrifiers saturating our once beautiful and quiet neighborhood we have you to thank for 1) thinking you have the right to incessantly bitch and complain about something you shouldn’t even be involved in and 2) attracting the very said opportunistic ‘thugs’ (now the descriptive term) who see you as easy targets – along with the rest of us true brooklyn natives…we have you to thank. Just go home man were you came from. I don’t wanna see your face. But good luck and let the good times continue to roll.

  • Vinhiller. Props to you my man (or woman). That’s right Newkid, welcome to another Brooklyn neighborhood that is going down. This place has become ripe for the picking. In case you haven’t heard there ARE projects all around got Farragut, University Towers and Raymond Ingersoll. But they are not the problem. They have existed WAAAY before us and you – when DUMBO was still known as Fulton Landing back in the day. And they will CONTINUE to exist when this is all over. For all you that think living in the ‘hood’ is cool…listen – Brooklyn is Brooklyn and will always BE Brooklyn. The problem is YOU. All of you gentrifiers saturating our once beautiful and quiet neighborhood we have you to thank for 1) thinking you have the right to incessantly bitch and complain about something you shouldn’t even be involved in and 2) attracting the very said opportunistic ‘thugs’ (now the descriptive term) who see you as easy targets – along with the rest of us true brooklyn natives…we have you to thank. Just go home man were you came from. I don’t wanna see your face. But good luck and let the good times continue to roll.

  • Well mona, you have no one to blame but you and your family for turning Brooklyn into the turd fest it was when I came here in 76. Back then they couldn’t give brownstones away fast enough. Do you know why? I’ll tell you why. It was called “white flight” Your so called native Brooklynites were scared sh*tless that they would be the last white family on the block. They’d sooner abandon their homes than live in a “mixed” neighborhood. If Brooklyn was stable you wouldn’t have all these interlopers to complain about. I’m not particularly happy about the way Dumbo is turning out but it beats the carcass it would of become if it was left up to the “natives”.

  • Well mona, you have no one to blame but you and your family for turning Brooklyn into the turd fest it was when I came here in 76. Back then they couldn’t give brownstones away fast enough. Do you know why? I’ll tell you why. It was called “white flight” Your so called native Brooklynites were scared sh*tless that they would be the last white family on the block. They’d sooner abandon their homes than live in a “mixed” neighborhood. If Brooklyn was stable you wouldn’t have all these interlopers to complain about. I’m not particularly happy about the way Dumbo is turning out but it beats the carcass it would of become if it was left up to the “natives”.

  • On behalf all of new and future residents of Vinegar Hill, I am sorry we picked your neighborhood to descend upon. Had we not, certainly it would never have changed for the better or the worse, right? Although all urban neighborhoods that stop changing have one thing in common: they’re dead.

    I don’t know who the poop culprit(s) are. Sorry on that account if it is some of the new folks. I hope you’ll approach the person(s) if you ever see them, and ask them to pick up the stuff with their bare hands if necessary.

    And there has been a crime spike, it’s true. You’re blaming all the new residents, but perhaps you don’t realize that you’ve got a lot of very concerned new neighbors who are looking out for the neighborhood and each other (including you mona and Vinhiller). From what I’ve heard from several of the long-time residents (30-40 years here), Vinegar Hill is markedly safer than it was even only a few years ago.

    While I may not be a native Brooklynite, I was born in NYC. I’ve lived in neighborhoods bordered by projects, and it was the residents worked to keep crime as low as possible. If the other boroughs were as complacent as your “Brooklyn is Brooklyn and will always BE Brooklyn” ideology then this city would be in a lot of trouble. Our car windows wouldn’t just be smashed, the whole car would be stolen, stripped and abandoned aflame like they used to be in the golden good old days. Do you miss those times too?

    Perhaps the projects will be here forever, but the residents of Farragut are part of this neighborhood too, and can be asked, or forced, to be productive members of it. If repeat offenders, or convicted drug dealers or users are allowed to continue living in Farragut, against the NYCHA’s bylaws, we can all start pressuring our local politicians to enforce the clear terms of their leases and start getting the bad eggs out of there for everyone’s sake.

    “Is it true that if someone is arrested for a felony drug offense that they cannot visit any NYCHA development?

    This is true. NYCHA has implemented a no trespass policy which denies access to NYCHA property to anyone arrested for a felony drug offense on or adjacent to NYCHA buildings and grounds. This policy seeks to combat drug-related crime and protect residents in the City’s public housing.”

    “Can my tenancy be terminated if a member of my household commits a crime?

    NYCHA has the right to deny persons with criminal records residency in order to provide a safe environment for all residents. If someone was arrested and gave your address or was arrested and resides in your apartment, you will have an opportunity to a hearing before any eviction proceedings are undertaken. If the crime was very serious and the offender is convicted, you may have to agree to permanently exclude that individual from your apartment.”

    We’re experiencing a gentrification crime spike, and if we were complacent about it, the neighborhood could take a bad turn. And if we all thought like you, mona, Vinegar Hill would be in trouble.

  • On behalf all of new and future residents of Vinegar Hill, I am sorry we picked your neighborhood to descend upon. Had we not, certainly it would never have changed for the better or the worse, right? Although all urban neighborhoods that stop changing have one thing in common: they’re dead.

    I don’t know who the poop culprit(s) are. Sorry on that account if it is some of the new folks. I hope you’ll approach the person(s) if you ever see them, and ask them to pick up the stuff with their bare hands if necessary.

    And there has been a crime spike, it’s true. You’re blaming all the new residents, but perhaps you don’t realize that you’ve got a lot of very concerned new neighbors who are looking out for the neighborhood and each other (including you mona and Vinhiller). From what I’ve heard from several of the long-time residents (30-40 years here), Vinegar Hill is markedly safer than it was even only a few years ago.

    While I may not be a native Brooklynite, I was born in NYC. I’ve lived in neighborhoods bordered by projects, and it was the residents worked to keep crime as low as possible. If the other boroughs were as complacent as your “Brooklyn is Brooklyn and will always BE Brooklyn” ideology then this city would be in a lot of trouble. Our car windows wouldn’t just be smashed, the whole car would be stolen, stripped and abandoned aflame like they used to be in the golden good old days. Do you miss those times too?

    Perhaps the projects will be here forever, but the residents of Farragut are part of this neighborhood too, and can be asked, or forced, to be productive members of it. If repeat offenders, or convicted drug dealers or users are allowed to continue living in Farragut, against the NYCHA’s bylaws, we can all start pressuring our local politicians to enforce the clear terms of their leases and start getting the bad eggs out of there for everyone’s sake.

    “Is it true that if someone is arrested for a felony drug offense that they cannot visit any NYCHA development?

    This is true. NYCHA has implemented a no trespass policy which denies access to NYCHA property to anyone arrested for a felony drug offense on or adjacent to NYCHA buildings and grounds. This policy seeks to combat drug-related crime and protect residents in the City’s public housing.”

    “Can my tenancy be terminated if a member of my household commits a crime?

    NYCHA has the right to deny persons with criminal records residency in order to provide a safe environment for all residents. If someone was arrested and gave your address or was arrested and resides in your apartment, you will have an opportunity to a hearing before any eviction proceedings are undertaken. If the crime was very serious and the offender is convicted, you may have to agree to permanently exclude that individual from your apartment.”

    We’re experiencing a gentrification crime spike, and if we were complacent about it, the neighborhood could take a bad turn. And if we all thought like you, mona, Vinegar Hill would be in trouble.

  • Well said, “huh?”.

    Seriously, some people on this blog need to be smacked.

  • Well said, “huh?”.

    Seriously, some people on this blog need to be smacked.

  • Hey Mod squad,

    No, You got the wrong individual, but that easel packing individual on Hudson, is a stand up guy! He’s one of the earlier folks 20+ yrs, and has been active in the hood for as long. Seems that you might be one of the doodoo culprits? It does not matter, if you were anyone of the ‘hood, you’d know better to speak of that person in that manner. I’ll ignore your ignorance.


    Thanks for the support, your the kind of gal that makes the neighborhood strong!!


    Maybe the hoods in transition, and you have a point about complacency, but let us not forget that not only money, but the fact that folks are just unaware of their surroundings. I wonder if any one took a night ride, prior to committing to the area? I know that I did, and found it not too unlike many other neighborhood’s on the cusp. I too am a native, and have never limited myself. But a lot of you have, I have never seen one of you in the neighborhood Bodega’s. Maybe a trip around the corner would be enlightening to the actual surroundings?

    Yes, complacency is not correct, but there still was less crime just 2 years ago. Maybe if you bleeding hearts would stop talking to cracky, smokie, and all the others, they might move on for a more sympathetic, profitable area’s. Oh I’m sorry, that is Dumbo, stupid me.

    Don’t you remember what your mother told you, “just ignore them and they’ll go away.

    Oh, and by the way, I’ve been here so long, I know the real names of cracky, smokie and green hat, and they never ask me for “a favor” They know better.

    As for gentrification, I don’t know of one neighborhood in transition that has excepted the warm embrace of the nearby projects.

  • Hey Mod squad,

    No, You got the wrong individual, but that easel packing individual on Hudson, is a stand up guy! He’s one of the earlier folks 20+ yrs, and has been active in the hood for as long. Seems that you might be one of the doodoo culprits? It does not matter, if you were anyone of the ‘hood, you’d know better to speak of that person in that manner. I’ll ignore your ignorance.


    Thanks for the support, your the kind of gal that makes the neighborhood strong!!


    Maybe the hoods in transition, and you have a point about complacency, but let us not forget that not only money, but the fact that folks are just unaware of their surroundings. I wonder if any one took a night ride, prior to committing to the area? I know that I did, and found it not too unlike many other neighborhood’s on the cusp. I too am a native, and have never limited myself. But a lot of you have, I have never seen one of you in the neighborhood Bodega’s. Maybe a trip around the corner would be enlightening to the actual surroundings?

    Yes, complacency is not correct, but there still was less crime just 2 years ago. Maybe if you bleeding hearts would stop talking to cracky, smokie, and all the others, they might move on for a more sympathetic, profitable area’s. Oh I’m sorry, that is Dumbo, stupid me.

    Don’t you remember what your mother told you, “just ignore them and they’ll go away.

    Oh, and by the way, I’ve been here so long, I know the real names of cracky, smokie and green hat, and they never ask me for “a favor” They know better.

    As for gentrification, I don’t know of one neighborhood in transition that has excepted the warm embrace of the nearby projects.

  • Thanks for the comments, everyone.

    This one’s a little off-topic: what kind of hi-speed internet provider does everyone have? I’m thinking of switching from Time Warner, but not sure who else services the area. Any advice is much appreciated.

  • Thanks for the comments, everyone.

    This one’s a little off-topic: what kind of hi-speed internet provider does everyone have? I’m thinking of switching from Time Warner, but not sure who else services the area. Any advice is much appreciated.

  • newkid: Verizon FIOS is in the area now. I hear it’s great, I might make the switch too.

  • newkid: Verizon FIOS is in the area now. I hear it’s great, I might make the switch too.

  • Mike and newkid: Things are moving finally for FIOS in all boroughs although the plans are for complete coverage by 2014… don’t hold your breath I have been inquiring about FIOS since 2003 while still in Manhattan, and 5 years later still nothing. You can read (if you haven’t already) the press release about Verizon’s application to offer TV over fiber via FIOS. Apparently this missing permission has delayed the deployment of fiber across the boroughs, and although I couldn’t care less about TV (since usually when I dare to watch something I won’t last more than 15 minutes because I get quickly fed up with the number of commercial interruptions) the slowdowns of this TV franchise thingy affected directly also those seeking FIOS for faster internet or business use.
    I am so fedup with timewarner that I considered going back to DSL, but then I am not too fond of Verizon either ;P So I’d make the switch only if worth it (and FIOS would be the case).

    Here is the link to the April 15th Press Release:

    Best of luck!

  • Mike and newkid: Things are moving finally for FIOS in all boroughs although the plans are for complete coverage by 2014… don’t hold your breath I have been inquiring about FIOS since 2003 while still in Manhattan, and 5 years later still nothing. You can read (if you haven’t already) the press release about Verizon’s application to offer TV over fiber via FIOS. Apparently this missing permission has delayed the deployment of fiber across the boroughs, and although I couldn’t care less about TV (since usually when I dare to watch something I won’t last more than 15 minutes because I get quickly fed up with the number of commercial interruptions) the slowdowns of this TV franchise thingy affected directly also those seeking FIOS for faster internet or business use.
    I am so fedup with timewarner that I considered going back to DSL, but then I am not too fond of Verizon either ;P So I’d make the switch only if worth it (and FIOS would be the case).

    Here is the link to the April 15th Press Release:

    Best of luck!

  • If anyone cares greent hat a.k.a. black is back in the streets of dumbo.

  • If anyone cares greent hat a.k.a. black is back in the streets of dumbo.

  • green hat – i saw him walking up jay st in a black hat and green shirt. his new disguise?

  • green hat – i saw him walking up jay st in a black hat and green shirt. his new disguise?

  • I just found this article – we need to get these panhandlers out of Dumbo.

  • I just found this article – we need to get these panhandlers out of Dumbo.

  • Suzanne, I don’t think Smokey and Cracky are going to stab any children with needles – that kind of response (What about the Children!?!?!? hysteria) from residents probably just ends up supporting those misguided ghetto preservationists that think the two panhandlers are “charming” or “an integral part of the neighborhood.”

    If we’re going to put an end these dirtbags’ behavior, we’re going to have to be honest, non-alarmist, and civil. We are also going to need to take action.

    I would rather see for these 2008 NYTimes articles:
    “Entrepreneurial panhandlers befriend Dumbo hipsters, annoy residents, and threaten citizens” and

    “Dumbo neighbors organize, reclaim street corner from thuggish scam artists” (

  • Suzanne, I don’t think Smokey and Cracky are going to stab any children with needles – that kind of response (What about the Children!?!?!? hysteria) from residents probably just ends up supporting those misguided ghetto preservationists that think the two panhandlers are “charming” or “an integral part of the neighborhood.”

    If we’re going to put an end these dirtbags’ behavior, we’re going to have to be honest, non-alarmist, and civil. We are also going to need to take action.

    I would rather see for these 2008 NYTimes articles:
    “Entrepreneurial panhandlers befriend Dumbo hipsters, annoy residents, and threaten citizens” and

    “Dumbo neighbors organize, reclaim street corner from thuggish scam artists” (

  • @Action Needed:

    I think you have some valid points. Cracky and Smokey do behave thuggishly at times, but I don’t think they are violent, maybe there’s truth to the dealing rumors, but yeah, they’re not going to stick a needle in little Dylan’s thigh on your way to the playground.

    I’ve heard that the pair actually live nearby (i.e. in an actual apartment), and therefore are not technically homeless. They just found a comfortable source of free money and plan to milk it for as long as possible.

    The “action” that you claim we need is simple – don’t be intimidated, they won’t bite you. Smokey wants to scare you away, while keeping the gravy train coming from others.
    – Don’t give them money, and discourage your neighbors from doing the same.
    – Put pressure on your landlord, your condo board, your local business owners (P&P, etc.), and the Dumbo improvement District to discourage these two from loitering.
    – Talk to your neighbors, and let them know that these two thugs are a severe nuissance. The majority of neighborhood people are annoyed by crackey and smokey, it’s important that individuals know that they are not alone, and that we stand up to these thugs.

  • @Action Needed:

    I think you have some valid points. Cracky and Smokey do behave thuggishly at times, but I don’t think they are violent, maybe there’s truth to the dealing rumors, but yeah, they’re not going to stick a needle in little Dylan’s thigh on your way to the playground.

    I’ve heard that the pair actually live nearby (i.e. in an actual apartment), and therefore are not technically homeless. They just found a comfortable source of free money and plan to milk it for as long as possible.

    The “action” that you claim we need is simple – don’t be intimidated, they won’t bite you. Smokey wants to scare you away, while keeping the gravy train coming from others.
    – Don’t give them money, and discourage your neighbors from doing the same.
    – Put pressure on your landlord, your condo board, your local business owners (P&P, etc.), and the Dumbo improvement District to discourage these two from loitering.
    – Talk to your neighbors, and let them know that these two thugs are a severe nuissance. The majority of neighborhood people are annoyed by crackey and smokey, it’s important that individuals know that they are not alone, and that we stand up to these thugs.

  • For better or worse, D.U.M.B.O.’s recent era of deserted and dangerous cobblestone streets, cheap lofts in empty warehouses, starving artists, and edgy obscurity are coming to an end.

    The current era has taken over – toweringluxury condos, wealthy young couples pushing expensive strollers along bustling, well-lit cobblestone streets. Upscale boutiques and a more lively bar and restaurant scene has filled in street-level real estate. The art galleries are spiffed up now too, with “local” artwork more likely to come from a Long Island City artist studio than a D.U.M.B.O. loft studio.

    A lot you reading this are lamenting the end of the “good ole days” when rent was cheap, and yuppies stayed in SoHo. Those days are over, and they ain’t comin back. Get used to it. The changes are only going to happen faster and faster.

    Crackey and Smokey, your days are numbered. You don’t own this neighborhood anymore, and friendly faces are becoming scarcer and scarcer. There isn’t a place for you anymore, here. Your Dumbo is dead.

    The gentrification wheels are spinning, and it’s too late to stop. The yuppies have it out for you, and you can’t stop ’em.

  • For better or worse, D.U.M.B.O.’s recent era of deserted and dangerous cobblestone streets, cheap lofts in empty warehouses, starving artists, and edgy obscurity are coming to an end.

    The current era has taken over – toweringluxury condos, wealthy young couples pushing expensive strollers along bustling, well-lit cobblestone streets. Upscale boutiques and a more lively bar and restaurant scene has filled in street-level real estate. The art galleries are spiffed up now too, with “local” artwork more likely to come from a Long Island City artist studio than a D.U.M.B.O. loft studio.

    A lot you reading this are lamenting the end of the “good ole days” when rent was cheap, and yuppies stayed in SoHo. Those days are over, and they ain’t comin back. Get used to it. The changes are only going to happen faster and faster.

    Crackey and Smokey, your days are numbered. You don’t own this neighborhood anymore, and friendly faces are becoming scarcer and scarcer. There isn’t a place for you anymore, here. Your Dumbo is dead.

    The gentrification wheels are spinning, and it’s too late to stop. The yuppies have it out for you, and you can’t stop ’em.

  • suzanne, that article was from 1995 by the way, and it happened in Times Square. Even Disneyland Times Square of 2008 has more homeless panhandlers than DUMBO today. There are probably fewer homeless in DUMBO than 90% of the rest of the city. Also, smokey probably scares them away!

  • suzanne, that article was from 1995 by the way, and it happened in Times Square. Even Disneyland Times Square of 2008 has more homeless panhandlers than DUMBO today. There are probably fewer homeless in DUMBO than 90% of the rest of the city. Also, smokey probably scares them away!

  • Seriously, if the yuppies have it out for smoeky and cracky that bad, how long till Walentas sends a henchman in a black van to pick them up, and “make them disappear”? People like them could make bums disappear, and nobody would even ask questions. They’ve got the money.

    Either that, or a mob of jcrew-wearing, yuppy hedgefunders and ad execs chase you into williamsburg. Better run!

  • Seriously, if the yuppies have it out for smoeky and cracky that bad, how long till Walentas sends a henchman in a black van to pick them up, and “make them disappear”? People like them could make bums disappear, and nobody would even ask questions. They’ve got the money.

    Either that, or a mob of jcrew-wearing, yuppy hedgefunders and ad execs chase you into williamsburg. Better run!

  • waltentas doesnt care about panhandlers as he already sold his overpriced condos to you and made his millions. his bank account grows as your neighborhood declines….

  • waltentas doesnt care about panhandlers as he already sold his overpriced condos to you and made his millions. his bank account grows as your neighborhood declines….

  • I’ve heard stories that crackey used to be a prostitute in the area in the early 90’s. Then she lost her looks and now just panhandles to support her drug habits. Anyone got the scoop on this? Maybe Elliot Spitzer could help us get her out of the neighborhood.

  • I’ve heard stories that crackey used to be a prostitute in the area in the early 90’s. Then she lost her looks and now just panhandles to support her drug habits. Anyone got the scoop on this? Maybe Elliot Spitzer could help us get her out of the neighborhood.

  • Who said Crackey lost her looks? I’d still pay good money for that ass

  • Who said Crackey lost her looks? I’d still pay good money for that ass

  • First of all, can we just ban use of the word “yuppy” on this site?

    Second, anyone who spends their days and nights in this neighborhood (as I do) will tell you that there is nothing “declining” about it. Despite Cracky and Smokey’s continued reign over the corner of Front and Washington, this is (and will continue to be) a wonderful neighborhood to live in, to work in, to raise a family in, to walk your dog in, to hang out with friends in, etc, etc, etc. There are a lot of bitter sounding people on this blog. I think it is time to get over it.

    WaterSt.- that is interesting. I was under the impression that Smokey and Cracky “commute” here because they are often seen getting off the F train with their bags. I was always surprised that there are enough suckers in this neighborhood that it is worth it for them to come all the way here from wherever it is they live. (They are definitely NOT homeless) Either a lot of suckers or the drug trade must be pretty lucrative in DUMBO. It is getting pretty ridiculous. It is time those two are run out of town.

  • First of all, can we just ban use of the word “yuppy” on this site?

    Second, anyone who spends their days and nights in this neighborhood (as I do) will tell you that there is nothing “declining” about it. Despite Cracky and Smokey’s continued reign over the corner of Front and Washington, this is (and will continue to be) a wonderful neighborhood to live in, to work in, to raise a family in, to walk your dog in, to hang out with friends in, etc, etc, etc. There are a lot of bitter sounding people on this blog. I think it is time to get over it.

    WaterSt.- that is interesting. I was under the impression that Smokey and Cracky “commute” here because they are often seen getting off the F train with their bags. I was always surprised that there are enough suckers in this neighborhood that it is worth it for them to come all the way here from wherever it is they live. (They are definitely NOT homeless) Either a lot of suckers or the drug trade must be pretty lucrative in DUMBO. It is getting pretty ridiculous. It is time those two are run out of town.

  • i can confirm S&C they travel via F train. i’ve seen them trying to get a ‘swipe’ or a buck. it’s funny when one is through and the other is out hawking… i’ve also seen them lugging a big duffel bag out of the station. maybe it’s full of Crackey’s ‘toys’ for a playful session!

  • i can confirm S&C they travel via F train. i’ve seen them trying to get a ‘swipe’ or a buck. it’s funny when one is through and the other is out hawking… i’ve also seen them lugging a big duffel bag out of the station. maybe it’s full of Crackey’s ‘toys’ for a playful session!

  • smokey always walks around with a blue duffel bag and a knapsack.

  • smokey always walks around with a blue duffel bag and a knapsack.

  • I once toured the operations at Bowery Mission in the Lower East Side, and saw Smokey in the dining room. They make great food there, so I can see why he is so chubby.

    The people that continue to give money to (or buy drugs from?) this thug are not helping those of NYC’s poor people who really need help, and doing a great disservice to our neighborhood. Please give money to those who really need it.

    Unlike many unfortunates in NYC, this Dumbo couple has a home to sleep in at night, but not much else. They clearly have the skills and ability to find real work, but lack the motivation to do so. These two cling to a life of begging and hustling in our neighborhood, but do it in a way that really irks people.

    Smokey sees himself as a guardian of this area, and enjoys giving directions to the subway to lost tourists. He uses that to justify his presence. Most importantly, he feels threatened by the changes to this area, and the hostility many people have towards him.

    I really think that if he changed his tone, residents wouldn’t feel threatened. As long as he keeps up the aggressive and menacing actions, we will work to have him removed. The loud cursing and threats really have no place here today, and we are working towards removing them.

    Many businesses have enforced anti-loitering zones near their entrances to keep thugs away, and allow customers to come and go without being hassled.

    MOST IMPORTANTLY: Next time you visit a business on Front Street, ask the owners or managers to do something to discourage these two. If you live here, speak up to your building manager or landlord. Call the 86th each time you have a run-in with the thugs. Tell your neighbors that you, too do not want them to threaten residents anymore.

    And, tell others to stop giving money to cracky and smokey when you see it happen!

  • I once toured the operations at Bowery Mission in the Lower East Side, and saw Smokey in the dining room. They make great food there, so I can see why he is so chubby.

    The people that continue to give money to (or buy drugs from?) this thug are not helping those of NYC’s poor people who really need help, and doing a great disservice to our neighborhood. Please give money to those who really need it.

    Unlike many unfortunates in NYC, this Dumbo couple has a home to sleep in at night, but not much else. They clearly have the skills and ability to find real work, but lack the motivation to do so. These two cling to a life of begging and hustling in our neighborhood, but do it in a way that really irks people.

    Smokey sees himself as a guardian of this area, and enjoys giving directions to the subway to lost tourists. He uses that to justify his presence. Most importantly, he feels threatened by the changes to this area, and the hostility many people have towards him.

    I really think that if he changed his tone, residents wouldn’t feel threatened. As long as he keeps up the aggressive and menacing actions, we will work to have him removed. The loud cursing and threats really have no place here today, and we are working towards removing them.

    Many businesses have enforced anti-loitering zones near their entrances to keep thugs away, and allow customers to come and go without being hassled.

    MOST IMPORTANTLY: Next time you visit a business on Front Street, ask the owners or managers to do something to discourage these two. If you live here, speak up to your building manager or landlord. Call the 86th each time you have a run-in with the thugs. Tell your neighbors that you, too do not want them to threaten residents anymore.

    And, tell others to stop giving money to cracky and smokey when you see it happen!

  • From

    Thank God for Cracky and Smokey – dumbo dwellers owe them a debt of gratitude. Harassing people and selling drugs in the most visible part of the neighborhood is exactly the quality-of-life draining work that keeps Dumbo affordable. Without their expletive-filled threats, and window smashing vandalism, you wouldn’t even be able to find a $5,000/month studio there. Keep up the good work you two!

  • From

    Thank God for Cracky and Smokey – dumbo dwellers owe them a debt of gratitude. Harassing people and selling drugs in the most visible part of the neighborhood is exactly the quality-of-life draining work that keeps Dumbo affordable. Without their expletive-filled threats, and window smashing vandalism, you wouldn’t even be able to find a $5,000/month studio there. Keep up the good work you two!

  • WaterSt. I respect and applaud your comments but the precint serving DUMBO is the 84th precinct.

  • WaterSt. I respect and applaud your comments but the precint serving DUMBO is the 84th precinct.